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Indian Brand Serving Globally In 30+ countries
Taste & Tradition
Traditional & Delish Maharashtrian Products
Made in Pune
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Quality Products
Products with Quality, Nutrition & Taste

Product of the Month

लाल भोपळ्याचे घारगे पीठ (Red Pumpkin Puri Mix) (250 Gm)

120.00 incl tax

491 in stock

SKU: Red Pumpkin Puri 250 Category:

Delivery schedule - minimum 3 days maximum 10 days.

Additional information

Weight 280 g

About Us

A balanced diet comprising of healthy and nutritious food is key to promoting good health. Sohum Udyog produces variety of healthy , nutritious and delicious food which helps to maintain a healthy body while ensuring overall well being.

Sohum Udyog is a brand, synonymous with quality , affordability and customer-friendliness.

We are committed towards producing food of best quality. Our dedication, our hard work and rigourous commitment to quality have been the key factors behind our products. We have always kept customers benefits as the focal point of our work.

The guiding principles of honesty, integrity and hard work have helped build strong associations, which have resulted in the prosperity of every associate as well as in the exponential growth of Sohum Udyog itself. We are working with only the most high quality and trusted suppliers.

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